
Winter // B & W

I started taking photos around the age of 15 or so. Mainly shooting in black and white and developing myself in the darkroom at school. I’d bring my camera everywhere and shoot photos of friends or bands, etc. Even just snap shots of things I wanted to see photographed, however simple they seemed.

Having just picked up a Canonet 28 and some Kodak Tri-X, I took it out for a spin in various places around the village I live, the beach and a park upstate here in New York.

The results below are from December and January of 2020/2021.

When I first started venturing out into the world this summer, after lockdown eased a bit, I’d go to the beach.

I’d go every day after work around 5:30 or 6pm and I’d sit around long enough to watch the sunset. As it got closer to sunset, the surfcasters started to show up and line the beach at the shoreline. Some looked to have been set up all day. Families sitting in beach chairs, children playing in the water or running around the sand trying to get away from their mothers who were chasing them.

It was so peaceful. It felt normal and that’s what I was looking for. It’s usually what I look for when I go to the beach. Some sort of normality. It’s always there for you. The weather might change, but the feeling remains the same.

I eventually started to bring my camera to capture some of the surfcasters. I never wanted to bother them. Just wanted to capture the serenity in their routine. Simple compositions of people trying to forget the day or just relax for a while at the end of it.

This is my favorite from the images I took.
